Class XII Computer Science

About Course
Class XII Computer Science – New Syllabus 2021
Chapter 1 Exception Handling in Python
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Syntax Errors
1.3 Exceptions
1.4 Built-in Exceptions
1.5 Raising Exceptions
1.6 Handling Exceptions
1.7 Finally Clause
Chapter 2 File Handling in Python
2.1 Introduction to Files
2.2.Types of Files
2.3 Opening and Closing a Text File
2.4 Writing to a Text File
2.5 Reading from a Text File
2.6 Setting Offsets in a File
2.7 Creating and Traversing a Text File
2.8 The Pickle Module
Chapter 3 Stack
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Stack
3.3 Operations on Stack
3.4 Implementation of Stack in Python
3.5 Notations for Arithmetic Expressions
3.6 Conversion from Infix to Postfix Notation
3.7 Evaluation of Postfix Expression
Chapter 4 Queue
4.1 Introduction to Queue
4.2 Operations on Queue
4.3 Implementation of Queue using Python
4.4 Introduction to Deque
4.5 Implementation of Deque Using Python
Chapter 5 Sorting
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Bubble Sort
5.3 Selection Sort
5.4 Insertion Sort
5.5 Time Complexity of Algorithms
Chapter 6 Searching
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Linear Search
6.3 Binary Search
6.4 Search by Hashing
Chapter 7 Understanding Data
7.1 Introduction to Data
7.2 Data Collection
7.3 Data Storage
7.4 Data Processing
7.5 Statistical Techniques for Data Processing
Chapter 8 Database Concepts
8.1 Introduction
8.2 File System
8.3 Database Management System
8.4 Relational Data Model
8.5 Keys in a Relational Database
Chapter 9 Structured Query Language (SQL)
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Structured Query Language (SQL)
9.3 Data Types and Constraints in MySQL
9.4 SQL for Data Definition
9.5 SQL for Data Manipulation
9.6 SQL for Data Query
9.7 Data Updation and Deletion
9.8 Functions in SQL
9.9 GROUP BY Clause in SQL
9.10 Operations on Relations
9.11 Using Two Relations in a Query
Chapter 10 Computer Networks
10.1 Introduction to Computer Networks
10.2 Evolution of Networking
10.3 Types of Networks
10.4 Network Devices
10.5 Networking Topologies
10.6 Identifying Nodes in a Networked Communication
10.7 Internet, Web and the Internet of Things
10.8 Domain Name System
Chapter 11 Data Communication
11.1 Concept of Communication
11.2 Components of data Communication
11.3 Measuring Capacity of Communication Media
11.4 Types of Data Communication
11.5 Switching Techniques
11.6 Transmission Media
11.7 Mobile Telecommunication Technologies
11.8 Protocol
Chapter 12 Security Aspects
12.1 Threats and Prevention
12.2 Malware
12.3 Antivirus
12.4 Spam
12.5 HTTP vs HTTPS
12.6 Firewall
12.7 Cookies
12.8 Hackers and Crackers
12.9 Network Security Threats
Chapter 13 Project Based Learning
13.1 Introduction
13.2 Approaches for Solving Projects
13.3 Teamwork
13.4 Project Descriptions